As we attempt to find the best way to balance the love of the game and the safety of all involved, we would like to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who has made this year’s return to baseball possible.
NCLBL has long been a diverse and inclusive community-based organization. The league has received feedback over the years that parents don’t always feel comfortable getting involved. Our coaches would be extremely happy to get your assistance with your child’s team! PLEASE speak to us and get involved with what is happening on the field and at practices and the games. We haven’t always asked (like we are asking now), but we have always been happy when people pitch in.
Your experience level doesn’t matter. What is most important is an enthusiasm and a willingness to listen and learn. It may surprise you, but that is how most of us became involved. We are all just volunteers and together, we will find a role where you can feel confident and make a positive impact on the team and your child. Maybe it’s helping out at practices or clinics, helping with communications, or just sharing your thoughts.
The league will only grow stronger with increased parental involvement. Please help us make it happen.